Abaaslam F, Marszałek P, Głowacki M, Włuka A, Sierzputowski T and Czernicki Z
Transplantation of autologous chondrocytes obtained from cellular culture constitutes one of the methods of the biological treatment of the degenerative disc disease (DDD). The study covered a group of 50 patients operated on for single-level lumbar discopathy in whom material for autologous chondrocyte culture was sampled from a removed fragment of an intervertebral disc. The chondrocytes obtained from the culture were next implanted into the pre-operated space with the use of the percutaneous method, the implantation being followed by a radiological and clinical evaluation. In two cases a repeated prolapse of a nucleus pulposus fragment was reported after an earlier transplantation. The patients were operated on again. The material obtained from the recurred nucleus pulposus hernia allowed for a biological evaluation of the effect of the transplantation on the structure of the intervertebral disc with a light and confocal microscope. The examination showed good integration of the transplanted cells with the cellular matrix and their correct production activity in the form of the generation of typical matrix components – type I, II, III, IX collagen, proteoglycans and aggrecan as well as type IV collagen, atypical for the matrix, the presence of which is a subject of further research works.
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