
பயோமெடிக்கல் மற்றும் மருந்து அறிவியல் இதழ்

ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2952-8100

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Bipolar disorders-Recent advances in the fields of nosology, epidemiology, and molecular genetics


Yia Liu*

Bipolar diseases are serious, intellectual, chronic psychiatric diseases characterized by intermingling haps of mania or hypomania and depression, or composites of manic and
depressive features. The weekly frequence of bipolar diseases ranges from 3 to 10 cases per population, and the life frequency is estimated to be 3 to7.2 million. Bipolar Disease (BD), also known as manic-depressive illness, is a serious illness that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, exercise ranks, and the incompetence to carry out day-moment tasks. Treatment of BD generally begins with the idea of bringing a case with mania or depression to distinct recovery and stable mood. Once the existent is stable, the idea progresses to reducing subthreshold  symptoms of mania and depression. Medicinal treatments have several purposes. Some medicinals aims to reduce symptoms
associated with acute manic or mixed mania/ depression happenings, some idea to reduce acute depression symptoms, and others aim to reduce acute symptoms, maintain like symptom-free days, and forestall relapsing to acute happenings. Given the confirmed, relapsing/ remitting course of bipolar complication and the need for conserving treatment in multifold cases, medicinals begun for an acute mood hap (including mania) are hourly carried forward into conserving curative.

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