
ஜர்னல் ஆஃப் டெக்ஸ்டைல் ​​சயின்ஸ் & இன்ஜினியரிங்

ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2165-8064

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To the Problems of Cleaning of Hard-grades Raw Cotton


Rosulov Rk and Saphoyev AA

Questions of optimization of modes of clearing of a cotton taking into account selection grades is one of the primary goals in a cotton of the cleaning industry, especially at a choice according to plan cotton cleanings. The basic lack of cleaners of the cotton, applied now, is invariable operating modes of working bodies without initial quality indicators of cleared cotton. Relative reduction of the sizes of seeds at new selection grades of cotton that it is necessary to consider at their processing on cotton of cleaners is installed. For infringement of monotony of process of clearing of cotton it is recommended to alternate polytypic working bodies. Possibility of application of flexible technological systems which it is successfully used in various branches of mechanical engineering, and for flexible clearing of a cotton-raw of weed impurity is considered.

இந்தக் கட்டுரையைப் பகிரவும்


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