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ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2375-4389

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தொகுதி 8, பிரச்சினை 5 (2020)

கட்டுரையை பரிசீலி

The Rising Flow of FDI in Ethiopia: A Critical Perspective on the Textile and Apparel Industry

Gifawosen Markos

This article analyses the increasing flow of Foreign Direct Investment in the Textile and Apparel sector in Ethiopia arguing that it has been mainly motivated by the promise of profit to accumulate wealth at an unprecedented scale. The main findings of the article reveal that Ethiopia provides cheap labor with the lowest pay in the world, easy access to land, and privileged access to high-income markets around the globe. Besides, the labor policy regime, cheap electricity-power supply, and tax-related benefits sum up the supplementary policy milieu for capital accumulation in the Ethiopian textile and apparel sector.


Covid-19 Global, Pandemic Impact on World Economy

Muhammad Fahad Sattar

This exploratory study is carried out in April, 2020, when corona virus is spread all over the world and become Economic crisis 2020.The objective of this study is to answer some questions arise in mind, how many countries infected and reduce their economic activities? What are effective fiscal and monetary policies at international level to address the crisis? Is monetary and fiscal policy used as vaccine to prevent the world economy from crisis? It is a hot topic these days when world is facing this covid-19. Researcher get information from different website, international monetary fund(IMF), Organization of economic cooperation and development (OECD) Standard & poor’s, (S&P) rating agencies, and some past papers to explain the impact of Corona virus on world economy. Further explain the losses from one industry to another industry. And finally concluded that world economy is fighting with dual nature crisis. On one hand Death of million people from corona, other is fall down of economy. First challenge is to save the people from death, and secondly to save the world from economic crisis. But these two challenges are contradicted. If want to save people lives then implemented stay at home, social distancing policy, and shut down the country. But we can save our people live but economy fall down sharply because of shut down all businesses in the country. If we save economic crisis then people should go out and work as usual, world economy will boost but soon we will lose million or billionof people live which also effect the fall down economy. Policy maker, doctors and health care manufacturer should sit together find ways which benefits for both people lives and save economic crisis.


Assessing the Usage of e-Government Systems in Zambia: A Government Employee Perspective

Mukanu Grace Mauka, Mwiya Balimu and Lubobya Charles

This paper presents the utilization of e-Government Systems by government employees in Zambia. The DeLone & McLean model used in this study was modified to create an e-Government Systems Assessment model. An online questionnaire was distributed to 32 line ministries targeting government employees in Lusaka who use e-Government systems. A sample of 90 government employees were selected using random sampling technique. Data was analysed using descriptive and factor analysis. The study confirmed that System Quality was the most valued among the quality dimensions. System Quality and Information Quality had a huge impact on User Satisfaction. It was found that Service Quality did not meet User Satisfaction. Additionally, it was discovered that Intention to Use/Use of the e-Government systems by government employees was moderate. On the overall, the respondents were satisfied with e-Government systems, however, the percentage number of those who were not sure about the e-Government systems was high. The study recommends that the e-Government Coordinating Division should enhance the quality of service that users of e-Government systems receive.

ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரை

Impact of Globalization and Foreign Direct Investment on Economic growth: Empirical evidences from Pakistan

Sidra Liaqat Ali, Abdul Farooq and Syeda Shaista Gillani

Globalization and FDI an important input to future economic growth and in general they are regarded as a positive energy for improved quality of life, acceleration of economic growth, efficient allocation of resources and great productivity improvement. Whereas, anti-globalization site squabbled that it adds to poverty and leads to worsening in the distribution of incomes. Pakistan also embarked on a path towards liberalizing like many other developing countries, its trade and investment with the expectations that it will stimulate economic growth. This study examines the impact of globalization and FDI on economic growth in Pakistan using ARDL bound testing technique over the period 1980-2016.


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