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Euro Nursing 2018: Dual Degrees and International Collaborations: Best Practices - Marie T O'Toole, Rutgers University-Camden Nursing and Science Building, USA


Marie T O'Toole

Euro Nursing 2018: Dual Degrees and International Collaborations: Best Practices - Marie T O’Toole, Rutgers University—Camden Nursing and Science Building, USA

Marie T O’Toole

1Rutgers University—Camden Nursing and Science Building, USA



Statement of the Problem: Health is a global concern.  Diseases cross international boundaries, as do health care providers.  There is a worldwide shortage of nurses prepared to respond to the needs of diverse populations both locally and globally. The Bologna Accord is an educational reform movement that profoundly influenced nursing education in the European Union.  The need for more information on this and other programs that support cost-effective models and mechanisms encouraging global collaborations that prepare a well-educated global workforce is critical.


Methodology: A consortium of academic institutions from the United States and the European Union worked collaboratively to explore funding mechanisms in both governmental and non-governmental agencies that support the preparation of health care professionals for international educational activities.  Long-term follow up of participants in existing programs was conducted via social media outreach, personal communication and interviews with both faculty and student participants. 


Results: Best practices for the creation of sustainable international partnerships that advance the preparation of a global workforce exist.  Those practices include internal and external funding to support collaboration, the development of a degree program that does not extend the length of study for participants and exchanges that specifically address the need for knowledge, skills and language capabilities that prepare students for practice in multiple settings.  Opportunities also exist for nurses in practice to participate in meaningful global outreach with appropriate educational preparation.


Global coordinated efforts can be created, and understudy portability inside those joint efforts organized, so as to expand advantages to all banding together nations. Future accomplishment in a worldwide information labor force likely could be accomplished by nations that can best set up their scientists to create global organizations and work effectively and easily across public and social fringes. In both non-scholastic and scholarly areas, the worldwide business openings made out of global exploration coordinated efforts can yield social and monetary advantages to nearby districts and public populaces of both accomplice foundations. Worldwide coordinated efforts are apparently essential both to the progression of science and to the acknowledgment of its public advantages. Arden Bement, NSF Director from 2004-2010, has made this point on numerous occasions.8 Cora marrett, Acting Deputy Director of NSF, repeated the message at a workshop co-facilitated by CGS and NSF in April 2009, expressing that in the new time of outrageous globalization, "we should team up universally to succeed and flourish independently." Dr. Marrett verbalized three different ways that worldwide joint efforts and commitment improve the undertaking of science: by "making for more energetic lives and vocations for our researchers and specialists"; by "propelling science through scholarly and informal organizations"; and (3) "by empowering and developing science strategy, the possibility that through coordinated efforts in science and designing, we can enhance relations among countries.


The significance to the economy, to society, and to public security of making and supporting fruitful worldwide alumni joint efforts between the US and different nations is perceived by those external the government science financing bodies also. Pioneers in the US political and public assistance networks have joined those in established researchers to avow their conviction that the United States can nor be monetarily serious nor secure as a country until it stretches out and extends its duty to global exploration and instructive joint efforts. The position that global joint efforts in science and science strategy should assume a bigger function in US international strategy is passed on in the "Explanation on Science Diplomacy" underneath. This assertion was given by a bipartisan gathering of Nobel Prize-winning researchers, public strategy counselors, and public pioneers including individuals from the US Congress: US public security relies on our readiness to share the expenses and advantages of logical advancement with different countries. Improved worldwide logical participation can likewise prompt more noteworthy monetary thriving at home. The US needs new advances and markets to make occupations, develop new businesses and revamp buyer and financial specialist certainty. Maintainable worldwide associations permit us to use restricted assets and give American organizations admittance to forefront exploration and aptitude around the world.10Every fruitful global examination cooperation or instructive trade can possibly yield a full scope of advantages to understudies and workforce, their establishments, and their nations of origin. We can likewise gain from disappointments, as fruitless coordinated efforts can reveal insight into the significance of such things as achievability arranging, adequate assets, and guaranteeing a match between quality organizations. As senior overseers and personnel work more intently than before with one another and with policymakers to all the more likely comprehend the effect of joint efforts, they can more readily uphold each other's' missions and add to more extensive public objectives.

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