
வணிகம் மற்றும் பொருளாதார இதழ்

ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2151-6219

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Managing Access to Cloud Services by Administrators in the Company


Vanya Lazarova

After getting an access to cloud services, the company has to appoint staff to maintain this access. The administrator of cloud services is the employee who supports these operations. In order to perform their job, administrators acquire rights to access user data such as names, addresses, occupations, passwords and so on. The maintenance of user accounts is designed in a manner so that the consumers are protected in a situation like this - the administrators cannot access the user password if the user has changed it during the registration process. However, to carry out his normal activities, the administrator could change the current user password, even if he does not know it. This situation requires additional measures and regulation from the organization and the security department.

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