
ஜர்னல் ஆஃப் எலக்ட்ரிக்கல் & எலக்ட்ரானிக் சிஸ்டம்ஸ்

ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2332-0796

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கையெழுத்துப் பிரதியை சமர்ப்பிக்கவும் arrow_forward arrow_forward ..

தொகுதி 10, பிரச்சினை 7 (2021)

ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரை

A comparative study of various convert Topologies of Electric vehicles consider V2G Applications

Hamid Rahim*

The motive of Vehicle to Grid (V2G) is to optimize the way we produce, transport, and use electricity by turning electric cars into virtual power plants. According to this concept, we can maintain the stability of our power system by using Vehicle to Grid implementation. V2G offers many advantages like real power and reactive power compensation, load control, filter current harmonics, etc. Wind, grid, and PV system also need batteries for storage purposes. Grid uses batteries power during peak hours and transients. Electric vehicles have a battery bank that can be used for this purpose. For V2G applications battery of the electric vehicle should be highly efficient, must be having deep cycling capability, high energy density and a longer life. A set of challenges, benefits, power-flow methods, and charging-discharging techniques are discussed in this paper. This review article briefly explains and compares the control of different topologies adopted for V2G and G2V scheme. Additionally, our research shows that Vehicle to Grid application is advantageous only if efficient battery chargingdischarging techniques are used. Index Terms—Vehicle-to-Grid(V2G); Bi-directional converter; Single-Stage Converter; Electric vehicle; DC-DC converter ;DC-AC converters; Unidirectional & Bidirectional power flow; Battery storage systems

முழு நீள ஆராய்ச்சி தாள்

Emerging Smart Technologies for Site-Specific Crop Management: Practices and Trends

Muhammad Irfan Mughal

Agricultural practices have fed humans for tens of thousands of years and various crops have been cultivated but the ever increasing world population demands more crop yields. Precision agriculture has given a new meaning to cultivating crops and livestock in farming. Site-specific crop management is a precision agriculture method, which utilizes differential management approach by monitoring and recording variability in crop fields. This approach is basically about applying the right farm input in right amount to right site at the right time. Sensors, Geo-spatial technologies and variable rate applications are the common static digital technologies employed in site-specific crop management, which are termed as traditional technologies in this work. Traditional technologies have enabled automation in crop management. In recent decades, smart technologies like artificial intelligence, internet of things and other smart technologies are greatly researched and employed in crop management for making it autonomous and intelligent. In this review, a study of traditional technologies’ existing trends and practices in site-specific crop management is conducted. Different experimental setups, trends, advantages and drawbacks of emerging smart technologies are investigated. It was observed that AI and IoT are the leading smart technologies in site-specific crop management. Furthermore, challenges in adopting smart technologies are discussed. It was concluded that emerging smart technologies rely on smart data and specific frameworks are needed for smart data collection and sharing with other stakeholders of the agro value chain for improving food production and security.


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