
அணு மருத்துவம் & கதிர்வீச்சு சிகிச்சை

ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2155-9619

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Parotid Epidermoid Carcinoma: A Case Report


Kambire JL, Ouedraogo S, Zida M and Traore SS

Introduction: Malignant parotid tumors are rare. They are characterized by their histological diversity dominated by muco-epidermoid tumors and adenocarcinomas; squamous cell carcinomas are much rarer. Result: We report a case of carcinoma not very differentiated from the parotid evolving for 6 years to reach 15 cm of major axis at the time of its diagnosis in a 35-year-old woman. Conclusion: Epidermoid carcinomas, although rare, are not exceptional. Their management is based on total parotidectomy provided that the diagnosis is early. Population education is required for a first-line use of health services in front of any indolor swelling in the parotid region.

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