
தடயவியல் ஆராய்ச்சி இதழ்

ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2157-7145

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தொகுதி 14, பிரச்சினை 1 (2023)

வழக்கு அறிக்கை

A Mixed DNA Profile Controversy: Corrigendum

Marie Semaan, Sarah Abbas and Issam Mansour

DNA has been playing a crucial role in identifying or exonerating potential suspects. While single source DNA traces face interpretational challenges, the evaluation of a forensic DNA mixture trace faces much greater challenges especially with increased allele sharing and homozygosity. The present report describes a challenging case where eight, related, potential persons of interest (POI) related could not be excluded in a simulated mixed DNA analysis. Even though relevant frequency datasets and an inbreeding coefficient were considered, and a semi-continuous expert DNA mixture analysis software was used, the DNA results still did not support ground truth. The present case sheds light on the effect of allele sharing and homozygosity on the evaluation of DNA mixtures especially in consanguineous and endogamous populations. Recommendations as to DNA mixture analysis were issued for local forensic uses and for other similar populations.

மினி விமர்சனம்

Examining the Use of Algorithms in the Swiss Criminal Court System in "Smart Criminal Justice"

Monika Simmler

Lately, there have been endeavours to advance probabilistic announcing and the utilization of computational calculations across a few criminological science disciplines. Responses to these endeavours have been blended a few partners contend they advance more prominent logical thoroughness though others contend that the obscurity of algorithmic instruments makes it trying to genuinely examine the proof introduced against a litigant coming about because of these frameworks. Thus, the scientific local area has been left with no make way to explore these worries as each proposed approach has balancing advantages and dangers. To investigate these issues further and give an establishment to a way ahead, this study draws on semi-organized interviews with fifteen members to evoke the viewpoints of key law enforcement partners, including research facility supervisors, examiners, safeguard lawyers, judges, and other scholastic researchers, on issues connected with understanding and detailing rehearses and the utilization of computational calculations in scientific science inside the American overall set of laws.

மினி விமர்சனம்

A Summary of Taggant Materials in Forensic Science

Prakash Jha

The use of taggant technology to mark things so they can be identified is becoming an important part of national strategies to reduce crime. By associating an object with a specific piece of information, taggants may be able to prevent or monitor crimes. A specific "coding" element will typically be included to infer marker uniqueness, despite the fact that the material properties of a taggant will largely vary depending on the application. Continuing advancements in portable in-field analysis, nanotechnology, and material science ought to have made it possible to develop new and improved forensic marking agents because the speed, simplicity, and accuracy of coding component analysis largely determine the overall efficacy of taggants. Nevertheless, the scant amount of recent research in this field suggests otherwise. Before attempting to provide insight into the direction that forensic marking technology will take in the future, this critical review therefore examines the state of the taggants that are currently available.

ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரை

Technique Used in Detection of Herbal Drugs

Hemi Gayakwad

Chemical fingerprints of herbal items may be assessed using a variety of chemometric techniques. Chemical pattern recognition, similarity estimation, and spectral correlation chromatography are all examples of information to since the time of the Saints and Munis, herbal therapy has been utilized to treat a broad variety of ailments. Herbal formulations cannot be successfully manufactured without an in-depth knowledge of the active components. The quality of herbal medications is thoroughly evaluated using a variety of chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques (HM). They may be used to authenticate and identify herbal goods and are highly recommended for quality control of herbal medicines; particularly chromatographic fingerprints produced utilizing hyphenated techniques. A quality control method based on the chromatographic fingerprints of herbal remedies might be developed based on the idea of phyto-equivalency. Eory based procedures (SCC). The subject of this presentation was a study of several forensic toxicology detection procedures for caffeine from selected herbal medicines. Articles published between 2016 and 2022 are considered.

கட்டுரையை பரிசீலி

Stabilization and Examination of Charred Documents: A Systemic Review

Vivekkumar Mangilal Chayal* and Amin Hetal

In spite of several researches already carried out during the past decades, only limited information is available exploring the preservation of charred document and there is a need to recollect it. Therefore, there is a need to scrutinize literatures that have portrayed its legal values and validating it in light of available works and published research studies to enlighten the methods and techniques used in forensic questioned document examination to help stabilization, separation, detection, investigation, collection, preservation, prevention and decipherment of the charred document. This work will enlighten the forensic questioned document scientists, law enforcement agencies and also for awareness of public.


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